Ultima X: Odyssey – EA’s FTP Server
In an ever continuing mission to optimize and organize my digital library of video game information, graphics, scans, memorabilia, and other various files, I came across some references I had made with one other Ultima Dragon from back in 2004 before I took a hiatus from the community. In it, I had the web address for Electronic Art’s FTP Server which contained patches for many of the single player Ultima games as well as some info from Ultima Online and Ultima X: Odyssey. Below is a download link to some of the music files that are still contained on EA’s FTP Server Folder for Ultima X: Odyssey – ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/origin/uxo/. I have also embedded a youtube playlist of the videos that are stored on their as well. May they give you as much enjoyment in watching them now as they did a decade ago.
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PS: The Origin Museum’s Joe Garrity can be found around 2 min and 57 seconds in the Premiere Event Video.